A macbook that says “designers should always keep their users in mind” in dark blue text on white background. On the right hand side there is a dark blue triangle and inside that triangle there is a light blue triangle upside down. On the bottom of the website there is a light blue rectangle with the text “only then can you create truly innovative solutions”.

The Part Of Marketing That Isn’t Taught Or Talked About

Sheeta Verma


When I started working in marketing, I came in with the most general and common questions: who are the target personas? what is the customer journey? where is this audience? what campaigns can I create in order to attract this target audience? Though after being in marketing for a couple of years, growing my circles with so many marketing folks- I have come to realize that there are 2 parts of…



Sheeta Verma

Twitter: @sheetaverma • Fibromyalgia Warrior 💜 • first gen Indian-American